How I keep organised

Hey Everyone

So today I thought that I would tell you all how I get organised. I’m not saying that I am the most organised person ever because I’m not but here are some tips I have learnt that have helped me become a little bit more organised. I hope that this post if helpful and that you could maybe apply these tips to your life. Anyway here are some of my tips …

Write things down

I have learnt that even if I think I will remember everything I have to do in my head I won’t, it’s impossible. So I like to write every task down in a diary or if you prefer you could use a to do list (that is also another tip that I will be speaking about later). When everything is written down sometimes it helps me figure out what to do first. Also I feel that when things are written down sometimes it shows that I don’t have as many tasks to do as I thought.

To do lists

As I said in the last suggestion I sometimes use to do lists to show myself what I have to do. I love ticking things off it makes me feel that I have accomplished something, but that aside to do lists help me figure out what I have to do and what is the most important and needs to be done first.

File things away

Especially with school work I love keeping everything together. It then makes everything easier to find and when revising I can flick quickly to something that I don’t understand. I find that if I make my files prettier then I am more willing to put work in them (that’s probably just me!)

Start early

This is mostly important for school work but start tasks early and then when you get more and more homework it won’t feel as stressful and you will be able to get everything done in time. I find that starting early puts my mind at rest and tells me that I am sometimes organised with my life.

That’s it those are some of my tips on how I stay mildly organised. If you have any tips leave them down below and we can all help everyone become more organised this year. I hope you enjoyed this post. I will see you very soon for a new post.

See you next time

Bye x

12 thoughts on “How I keep organised

  1. Really good post ๐Ÿ™‚
    We have a saying at the ambulance station “if you didn’t write it down then it didn’t happen” and I transpose this at home to “if you don’t write it down then you aren’t going to do it” – to-do lists are my best friend!
    Looking forward to your future posts

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Survival guide: Revision/ School | The Heart Of Me

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