Tips for blogging

Hey Everyone
So today I thought I would give you some of my advice about blogging. I obviously am no where near knowing everything there is and down below I would love to know some of your tips for blogging. Whether you have had years experience or just a few months (like me) knowledge can hep everyone.


Writing things down always helps.

1. Get into as many blogger chats as you can (or as many as you remember).These chats give you the opportunity to talk to other bloggers and feel more part of the community. There is so much support and positivity in this community that the blogger chats offer.

2. The notes app is useful. I write most of my blog posts when on the train as that is just wasted time that I can use. So writing my ideas down straight away makes it so much easier to write as the idea is fresh in my head.

3. Plan posts in advance. I’m not the best at this but planning in advance and schedule posts makes it much less stressful. Also if you write posts when you think of them it’s less likely that will miss a day to publish (again I’m not the best at this haha).

4. When there is good lighting use it. As it’s getting closer to summer the lighting is better anyway, however if you can try and bulk take pictures to ensure that you have pictures for upcoming posts.

5. If you need help, ask for it. This may sound weird but talking to other bloggers about your problems really helps. I spoke to some of my blogging friends when I was feeling really down and they really helped me.

6. Don’t compare to other bloggers. This is so hard to do but try not to compare your blog to others, everyone is different. There is a great quote “try not to compare your chapter one to someone’s chapter ten” and I think this is perfect. Everyone is blogging for different reasons and is in different situations so just enjoy your blogging journey.

7. If you can’t think of ideas that’s ok. It is unlikely that you won’t have a writers block, and they are the worst but there isn’t anything you can do. Take that time to do something else with your blog whether that is socialise on chats or rearrange posts, it’s not the end of the world.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and it may have helped you in some way. If you have any questions then just ask me down below I will try my best to help you out. Have a wonderful day.

See you for another blog post.

Bye x

10 thoughts on “Tips for blogging

  1. It was not until recently that I started to realize just how important using natural lighting can be. I mean, the only reservation for me is that sometimes when I get home, I don’t have as much time to take pictures in the natural light so I resort to the lighting that I have but it certainly does make a difference.

    ~ Bre

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  2. This really helped thank you! And I was wondering , when you say blogger chats,do you mean on instagram or something? I’d really like to be added to some and I would like to know where to find some because I am starting an instagram to go with this blog. Xx

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