Favourite quotes

Hey everyone

Today I thought I would tell you some of my favourite quotes, maybe these will inspire you in some way. I would love to know what your favourite quote is and why down below because I think it’s interesting to know why.

1. “Be happy and smile”- I always think this is just a nice little reminder to try and be happy and smile in your life. Just enjoy every minute with a smile

2. “Good vibes only”- I have a jar with this quote on where I put special things that make me happy. I think it’s a nice way to look back at all the good things when you are having a bad dayimg_2596

3. “Don’t look back on today look forward to tomorrow”- This is one of my favourites because I think we are always caught up looking back on what could have happened. Just try and look forward and think what you can do better next time.

4. “Don’t lose track of who you are because it might be easier to be somebody else” – Glee- This quote is from one of my favourite TV series Glee. Glee as a whole made me accept myself more but this quote really highlights the importance of being yourself.

5. Be proud of who you are” – Lea Michele- I’m going to end on this one. I think we should all be proud of who we are because we are all amazing and beautiful. img_2595

I hope you enjoyed this post and might agree with these quotes. I would love to know what your favourite quote is down below. I hope your all having a great start to May. I will see you soon in another post.

Bye x

5 thoughts on “Favourite quotes

  1. You have some great quotes here, and through them some great lessons! I know that #4 has been one I too have held onto a lot lately – I recently left the ‘easy’ career that I had fallen into and done well at without having to leave my comfort zone to pursue one that I am more passionate about. I have that quote written just inside my planner to remind myself to keep plugging at it!

    Britt | http://alternativelyspeaking.ca/

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